Introducing Graffiti ParK™
Graffiti Park™ is a brand new TV Show that will feature some of the best new Hip Hop Rap artists, Dancers, D.Js and Graffiti Artists. Created by HIP·HOP·TV® ; Graffiti Park™ will target skateboarders, dancers, surfers and all other active teens and young adults looking for something different. Along with the TV show Graffiti Park™ will also feature the latest fashion apparel, shoes, and other items targeting young adults. Graffiti Park™ will also offer custom skateboards, shoes and dance wear. Like Zumies. Hot topic and Old Navy; Graffiti Park™ will be in malls across America and Europe, but will launch right here on the Internet.
Unlike these other stores Graffiti Park™ signature will be items designed by real urban graffiti artists that has tags on the street of South Central L.A. ,Chi-town, the Bronx, Brooklyn and Austin
One of Graffiti Park™ first move is to sponsor skateboard parks and graffiti artists across the country and find ways for them to express their art in positive way.
Since we are new we will start with the basics; T-shirts, Hoodies, Caps, but Stay tuned as we launch this amazing company and grow

Call us rebellious, call us fearless, call us a movement, but don't call us the same old shit. Graffiti Park™ was born with a soul of the 70s, but remains a brain child of the new millennium.
A combination of apparel that will represent dancers, Rappers Skateboarders, Suffers and other intensive active enthusiast
Graffiti Park™ artists will make up our designs but innovative thinkers will fuel our fire. Our intention is to represent artists,skaters, dancers and like minded people by sponsoring Their causes and events on a regular basis.
Let us know what you need and we will do our best to help. Take a look at our event page for our next event.