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Z-Man Films focus is set on its biggest project yet, Hip Hop High is a combination of a feature Film, Reality TV show and live theater. Here is an overview of the first installment of "Hip Hop High"


The Hip Hop High Reality TV series is based on a new company trying to build a franchise out of five elements of the company


 “Hip Hop High - The Reality TV Series

Hip Hop High is a brand new reality TV show that will focus on finding and cultivating Dancers, Rappers and Actors for the upcoming Feature Film “Hip Hop High-The Musical”. Amateur performers will be able to go to the Hip Hop High Dance Academies in New York, NY, Jersey City, NJ, and Philadelphia Pa and take classes from Hip Hop High instructors to learn routines to compete to have a chance to be in the upcoming film.


How The Show will Work

These instructors will find standout students and elevate them into the spotlight to be featured in the reality TV show and given a chance to eventually be in our up coming “Hip Hop High”  Feature Films, Scripted TV series and eventually the Broadway production of “Hip Hop High-The Musical”. This amazing franchise will also be releasing its own soundtrack, so Hip Hop High will be looking for music artists as well as we search for actor, rappers and singers. The Reality TV Show will focus on bringing the Hip Hop High Brand to market through its Films, TV shows, Music and clothing company.

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