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Z-Man Films is Developing several TV Networks 

The Motorcycle Channel®

The Motorcycle Channel®will be able to be viewed on all of the popular platforms immediately like Roku's, Amazon Firetv, Apple TV, Smart TV's , iPhones, Androids phones and more. We project that this subscription video on Demand platform (like Netflix and Hulu) will generation millions of dollars in revenue on a monthly basis. Our focus is simply motorcycle riders and enthusiasts who love the adventure of riding, with that said three of our operating partners, Orange Motorsports & Entertainment and Metropolitan Sports Committee Motocross are both motorcycle driven partners that know motorcycle riders and what they want. Our focus is to accommodate the TV viewing needs of a motorcyclist, whether it’s a feature films or a DIY documentary on fixing your Harley. The Motorcycle Channel®will be the one stop shop for everything motorcycles.


Welcome To Our Hip Hop TV. The Hottest New Hip Hop TV Shows, Movies, and Music Videos. We will provide an Array of Hip Hop news and Information 24 hours, 7 days a week, stay tuned as we launch this brand Network. Hip Hop TV. Hip Hop TV Anchor TV shows will include “Hip Hop History 101”. This TV Show will be the staple of the Hip Hop Hall of Fame & Museum and the new 24 Hour TV network. The TV show will delve into the early years of Hip Hop to present day and chronologically sound the show will give the novice Hip Hop Fan a clear picture of how Hip Hop evolved. The show itself will be in a classroom setting of young teen adults asking questions about the history of Hip Hop. Old school and new school Hip Hop artist will be called in to be special guests to answer questions as well as to perform on the show. The classroom will turn into a stage on a regular basis to showcase artists of all generations of Hip Hop.

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Urban News Network®


In This brand new upcoming reality TV show "Hoodratt" is showing young Adults from the suburbs being thrown in the middle of the ghetto streets of Newburgh New York. known for its mean streets, drug infested corners, and some of the worst gangs on this side of the Mississippi .One man will try to help these kids not only survive but learn to prosper in the city of Newburgh. Follow their Journey to the not-so-promised land    and see how they do

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 “Hip Hop High - The Reality TV Series

Hip Hop High is a brand new reality TV show that will focus on finding and cultivating Dancers, Rappers and Actors for the upcoming Feature Film “Hip Hop High-The Musical”. Amateur performers will be able to go to the Hip Hop High Dance Academies in New York, NY, Jersey City, NJ, and Philadelphia Pa and take classes from Hip Hop High instructors to learn routines to compete to have a chance to be in the upcoming film.


How The Show will Work

These instructors will find standout students and elevate them into the spotlight to be featured in the reality TV show and given a chance to eventually be in our up coming “Hip Hop High”  Feature Films, Scripted TV series and eventually the Broadway production of “Hip Hop High-The Musical”. This amazing franchise will also be releasing its own soundtrack, so Hip Hop High will be looking for music artists as well as we search for actor, rappers and singers. The Reality TV Show will focus on bringing the Hip Hop High Brand to market through its Films, TV shows, Music and clothing company.

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