The Official Gravesite for Vampires The Musical®

Emily Michelle Griffith as Kelly Donohue /Reporter Action News
Emily Michelle Griffith, a Michigan native, is thrilled to be a part of the Vampires The Musical! Past credits include The Life (Mary), Matt and Ben (Matt Damon), and Oklahoma! (Laurey), along with numerous new works, such as BFF(Winterfest), It Takes a Rainbow (Midtown International Theatre Festival), Ken and All Star: The Best Broadway Musical. Half of the composing team Liv & Em, she can be regularly seen on the theatre vlog, Making Our Way Post B.F.A, on Youtube. Endless gratitude and love to her amazing family, friends, and mentors. Oakland University graduate. emilymichellegriffith.com. @emgri5th @livandemwrite
Vampires The Musical®
December 8th, 4pm
Creative Cultural Center, St. Veronica
149 Christopher St. New York, NY
Tuesday, December 10th. 1pm - Industry Only
Location: To be annouced soon