The Official Gravesite for Vampires The Musical®
Vampires-The Musical®
Tickets to the upcoming reading of Vampires The Musical® can be acquired by emailing us at zmanfilmcompany@aol.com subject: Tickets for Reading.
Two Readings will be held
Vampires The Musical®
Sunday December 8th, 4pm
Creative Cultural Center, St. Veronica
149 Christopher St. New York, NY
Tuesday, December 10th. 1pm - Industry Only
Location: To be announced
Show gravesite : vampiresthemusical.com
Fashion gravesite: vampirewear.org
Gravekeeper: zmanfilmcompany@aol.com
Z-Man 845-674-7293

Vampires The Musical®
A celebration of life and death. This comic adventure of the afterlife is a tale of murder greed deceit, the mob, and the undead. Think def music meets "Rocky Horror" with a touch of "Little Shop”. A private eye - Shadow Paxton and the vixen of a vampire cult, Martina Rain, are pitted against each other in a musical that involves an old romance, virgin maiden, a jealous sister in law, a detective- turned priest and a nasty criminal named James Dallas. The story begins when Paxton discovers the victims of a crime drained of their blood. The plot develops as Paxton and a young reporter(and his former lover ) Kelly Donohue, team up to destroy Martina's Lair, and save Tuesday Graham, Who the vampires have captured so they can turn her into the next vampire queen.(Tuesday happens to be the virginal daughter of Rev Graham, who spent 20 years on the New Orleans police force crusading against the" People of the Night", and had to give up his badge after the undead discovered his secret hiding place and murdered his wife. That's when he turned to God and Moved to New York to protect his daughter.)
If this isn't complicated enough- other characters slithering in and out, including Kelly's Aunt Mrs. Calhoun, a music teacher at New Orleans Community College; and the reverend sister Brenda, who always wanted a daughter and was secretly thrilled when Mrs. Graham was murdered because it gave her the chance to raise Tuesday on her own. Throw in some songs, including "Welcome to the Darkside, Genocide, and Vampire Theory" and we’ve got ourselves one genuinely ghoulish musical

Vampires-The Musical® is a musical performed in two acts with a total of 18 songs
Set Locations include (1) The Waterfront District (2) Martina’s vampire lair (3) Taylor Baptist Church
(4) Kelly Donahue's Office (5) Graham Family Home
Cast Size
Cast size is 15 but roles can be doubled to be as small as 11
Cast of Characters
Shadow Paxton/FBI detective.........................................................Mitchell Torres
Kelly Donohue /Reporter Action News..............................Emily Michelle Griffith
Tuesday Graham/Church-going ingénue.........................................Sophy Castro
Rev Malcolm Graham/Tuesday's father......................................Lewis Thompson
Martina Rain /Queen of the Vampires............................................Victoria Guthrie
James Dallas/Ethor/Drug dealer turned ghoul.......................................Zoey Zero
Jake / Cop…....…………...………………………..….........………… Rance Palmer
Winona ……………………......……………………………….Nikos Vamvaketis, JR
Auntie - Tuesday's Aunt,/Malcolm’s sister ......................................Valerie Johnson
Narrator………………………………………………………...... Robert Monegan
A Dramedy of Vampires, Virgins, and Vixens
1.Pusle of The City
2. In Your Blood
3. Vampires In Da House
4. Genocide
5. Vampire Bitch
6. Dawgs
7. Martina Kiss
8. VIDH Part 2
9.Auntie Sez
10. Bodytalk
11. Only child
Act II
12. Welcome to the Darkside
13. Vampire Theory
14. Chix with Dix
15. Bad Enough
16. Vampires In Da House Part 3
7. Damage
18. My Love will never Die
19. Slave
20. Uncommon
21. Finale – Vampires In Da House /Welcome to the Darkside & More
*Song placement still pending