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National Urban Museums Of America 

The Buffalo Soldiers Exhibit at Newburgh 

Residents and visitors of the City of Newburgh will now have the opportunity to discover, learn and visit the new Buffalo Soldiers Exhibit at Newburgh, which officially opened on Saturday, June 18. This exhibit was created through the collaboration and partnership of the Buffalo Soldiers Motorcycle Club [BSMC], the Motorcycle Channel and Motorcyclepedia Museum of Newburgh.

The museum exhibit, located at 109 Liberty Street, features memorabilia and photographs of the motorcycle club and the history of the Buffalo Soldiers, an all African-American military unit created following the Civil War. One display in the exhibit also featured the creation and journey of an official Buffalo Soldiers monument and statue that now stands on the grounds of West Point. The Buffalo Soldiers were said to have been stationed at West Point and served as horse instructors for the cadets.

Location: 109 Liberty Street, Newburgh New York

Hours of Operation 10am -3pm Fridays

Fee: Free to the public

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Velocipede Museum

The Velocipede Museum,  located in Newburgh New York, is a showcase of velocipedes, boneshakers, tricycles and bicycles dating from the 1860s on up! .  This one of a kind vintage bike museum with a collection that matches nothing on the east coast.


Location: 109 Liberty Street, Newburgh New York

Hours of Operation 10am -3pm Fridays

Fee: Free to the public

Visit Website

Newburgh Museum and Underground Railroad™
The Underground Railroad Museum coming to Newburgh New York 


National Urban Museums Of America™   plans to create The Newburgh Museum and Underground Railroad. 

This Underground Railroad pathway replica will use modern technologies like video displays , GSP and electronic sensor triggers to help the visitor experience. Each tour will have a guide that will take a group of escaped slaves through the Underground Railroad.  New York State was a gateway for many African Americans seeking to escape slavery in the 1800s. Its prime location, with access to Canada and major water routes, made it the destination of choice for many Africans fleeing slavery along the eastern seaboard. This interactive exhibit  was created to let the average person understand what it was like to get the courage to take the Underground Railroad Network to Freedom


The National Hip Hop Hall of Fame® Tour 


The National Hip Hop Hall of Fame® Tour will bring its museum town to town and feature  hip Hop artists that pioneered the art form of Hip Hop. Artists  like Cool Moe Dee, Slick Rick, Kurtis Blow and others  will appear and tell the tales of the origins of Hip Hop, through song, dance and conversations  throughout the hip hop community ..


The purpose of the  museum is to help the nation better understand the history of Hip Hop and how it has evolved as an art form over the years. The National Hip Hop Hall of Fame®  in conjunction with Urban News Network ® is to promote the new TV channel "HIP·HOP·TV® so expect top hip hop artists both new and old school to drop in to talk hip hop, politics and everything under the sun as well as to see the best live performances from artists of the first generation of hip hop to NOW!

Location: Mobile Museum

Hours of Operation: In Planning Stage, Coming Spring 2023

Fee: Free to the public

Visit Website

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